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  • Writer's pictureaileenstewart

Where Did Summer Go?

Wow. Summer flew by and the first part of August got away from me. I know it got away from me because I missed two Monday blogs. In my defense, we did take Emily and James on one last trip to Zoombezi Bay.

We attended the fair, won ribbons for our photography, and watched the demolition derby.

We continued with our farmers' market preparations and market sales.

And we helped host our second annual neighborhood block party.

But now I'm back on track as we swing into a new school year and routine and that means a book review.

The book I chose this week, How To Code A Sandcastle, was new to my local library's collection, and I was thrilled to find as it because it is written by my friend Josh Funk and adorably illustrated by Sara Palacios. Josh has taken what might seem like a complicated subject... coding, and has explained it in a fun and informative way by having his MC use the same coding principles used by computer programmers to build her sandcastle with her robot friend Pascal.

This story encourages girls to dream big and enjoy STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). So run out right now and see if your library has a copy or buy a copy of your own!

I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.

Wishes for a week full of wonder! Aileen

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