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Writer's pictureaileenstewart

Wanted: The Perfect...

If I had constructed an advertisement for the New Year, it might have read...

Wanted: The perfect year.

What would my perfect year look like, you ask. It would start with good health and mental well being for my family and friends. It would include achievement of my literary dreams like getting an agent. And it would include a fantastic summer full of travel and good times.

Unfortunately that isn't what 2020 has had to offer!

But despite not being a perfect year (far from) it has been a year with some perfect moments. My family and friends have maintained good health. The mental well being has been a little harder to come by, but we're working on it! We were still able to take our annual family camping vacation. My critique partners have been extremely helpful with my latest WIPs. Our garden has provided us with delicious black raspberries, tomatoes, and onions. And Farmers' Market is going well for both Emily and I. Below are some beautiful flowers one of my vendors was selling. Their sunny faces just make me want to smile despite everything!

While not the year I hoped and dreamed of, It is the year that showed up on my door step; and I'm looking for good and unique moments to propel me forward. This is similar to the story, Wanted: The Perfect Pet, by Fiona Roberton who is also author to A Tale of Two Beasts, another charming book I've read.

Henry wanted the perfect pet. Henry wanted a dog. Henry advertised and waited in anticipation. But what showed up at Henry's door was definitely not a dog. It was a animal in disguise. But Henry being the ever optimistic boy, sat down and made a list of the animals qualities, qualities that made the animal the perfect pet for Henry even though it wasn't a dog!

I don't want to give too much away, so you're going to have to read the book to find out who the impostor is. It is an older book published in 2010, but know that it is definitely worth a look to see if your library carries it. Simple art work adds to the charm and the suspense of finding out just who answers Henry's add will keep you turning the pages. I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.

Wishes for a week full of wonder!

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