I have always loved to barter, so any time I have the chance to trade my goods or services for those of another, I jump at the chance. Recently I traded brownies and mini quick breads with my friend Brandi for a set of twelve eco friendly faux water balloons. They are crocheted and you just soak them and reuse them over and over and never have to sift through the yard for pieces of latex.

Over the Fourth of July, Emily had some friends over and they tested them out. As you can see by the pictures, they were lots of fun!

I was also recently approached by a young man who is a repeat customer for my mini zucchini bread. He and his mom raise ducks for fair and often have an over abundance of eggs. He wanted to know if I would trade duck eggs for bread. Now it just so happens that Bobby loves to eat duck eggs for breakfast, so that worked out perfectly.
And while my book for this week's post was in no way related to bartering, It did have to do with working towards your dreams no matter your age. In A Violin For Elva, Elva wants a violin more than anything, but her parents say no. So Elva pretends she has one to play. She pretends all through school. She pretends as adult after work. And she pretends in her golden years. Finally Elva purchases a violin and lessons. And though not perfect or accomplished, the joy Elva feels when playing her violin says everything.

So I encourage you to go forth and barter, dream, or find what brings you joy!
I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.
Wishes for a week full of wonder! Aileen