This past weekend we attended a family reunion for Bobby's maternal side. It was the first time in years that his mother and her siblings had been in the same place at the same time in years. So what started our as an ordinary week, ended with an extraordinary family gathering.
Kids from one and a half to near ninety caught up with aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, and grandparents. We even celebrated a birthday!
Which leads right into my book choices for the week. The first book I read was A Piglet Named Mercy written by the amazingly talented Kate DiCamillo and illustrated by the equally talented Chris Van Dusen. The book tells the story of the Watsons who live in an ordinary house on an ordinary street in an ordinary town. But Mrs. Watson longs for something more, and when a piglet falls our of a transport truck and wanders into their yard, she and her husband find out just how extraordinary life can really become when you embrace the unexpected! This is definitely a must read and would be a wonderful addition to any home library or classroom.
The second book, Tiny T Rex and the Impossible Hug, written by Jonathan Stutzman and illustrated by Jay Fleck, was a beautiful book encouraging the reader to chase after their dreams no matter how impossible they seem. The story tells of Tiny T Rex who wants to comfort his best friend with a hug; but because Tiny's arms are small, he feels like this might be an impossible task. Everyone gives him advice. Some say just give up. Some say find another way. But the really supportive ones say practice, practice, practice until it becomes possible. And that is just what Tiny does.
This book really spoke to me as an author who is working to gain an agent and subsequent book deals. It hasn't happened yet, but I am continuing to practice my craft until it does.
I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.
Wishes for a week full of wonder!