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Writer's pictureaileenstewart

Birthday, Mother's Day, and Books

Updated: Jul 29, 2019

This past week was full of fun for me. I visited St Mary School, I turned fifty, I celebrated motherhood, and my husband of fifteen years, who has never planned anything as long as we've been married, planned and executed a surprise birthday party in my honor.

At St. Mary, I spoke with first graders and and a few fourth graders who had special permission to attend, and then I spoke with second and third graders. Both classes were attentive and had wonderful questions. One of the subjects that came up with the first graders was that of wordless picture books. I was astounded when one small girl compared the pictures telling the story with totem poles and how each part of the totem pole tells a story.

And I rounded the week off by reading some kidlit. The first book I read was I Do Not Like Books Any More by Daisy Hurst. Natalie and her brother love the stories their dad and mom read them. They also love to make up stories. They love stories so much, they can't wait until Natalie learns to read. But when Natalie learns to read, the letters seem like squiggles causing her to decide she no longer likes books. Natalie decides to give up reading, but with Alphonse's help and her love of story telling, she once again falls in love with reading. This book is a fun read and would be especially encouraging for children who might be having some difficulty reading.

I also read a book titled Tired of Music one in a series of books by Dicy McCullough, an author I've reviewed in the past. This particular book finds Annie and her best friend John Allen attending school where John Allen loves music class but Annie is tired of music because it doesn't come easily to her. When their music teacher retires to give her voice a rest and new teacher, Dr. Rob, arrives, he convinces Annie she hasn't given music a proper chance. Annie gives music another try and finds she might not be tired of music after all. Though a fictional story, Dr. Rob is based on a real life piano virtuoso. This book is written in rhyme and though the meter is off in places and there are a few near rhymes, overall the story is good and encourages kids to give music a chance.

I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as this behind the scenes look into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.

Wishes for a week full of wonder! Aileen

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