This past weekend Bobby, Emily, her boyfriend James, and I took a road trip. I desperately needed tennis shoes, but I also wanted to do something fun. So after our shopping was done, we had a picnic despite some minor whining from the children who said they were cold. In all honesty, it was about 67 degrees after several weeks of weather in the nineties.

On on way home, we also found an unexpected roadside gem, Mom Wilson's Meat Market. The parking lot sign was a hoot.

The yard decor interesting.

The inside abundantly full of clocks.

And we tried our first ever pork jerky.
But the good time didn't end there because the last book in my library stack was a fun rhyming story titled Ballyhoo Bay where Mira Bella taught the joy of art to everyone around from humans to sea creatures.

Everyone created beautiful art and and plans for a big art show moved forward until ruthless land developers threatened to turn Ballyhoo Bay into parking lots and condos. Thankfully Mira Bella and friends had a plan to save the day and all ended well!
I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.
Wishes for a week full of wonder!