This past week I baked for Farmers' Market, watched Bicycle Days' fire works with the fam, and Bobby and I gave our 14 year old daughter, Emily, permission to date.
Well, actually it's sort of lite dating. She's allowed to do things in groups, she's allowed to hold hands and hug, and she's allowed to have James over to our house. She is not allowed to go places alone with James. She is not allowed to participate in any kissing. And she is not allowed to go to his house until she's at least 16.
And coincidentally, my library pick for this week was Robot In Love by author/illustrator T.L. McBeth. One day, shy Robot spots his first love. It takes him several days to get up the courage to approach her; but when he finally does, they hit it off splendidly. After all they both love toast. This fun book which pairs a robot and a toaster is visually fun as well as absurd, but definitely worth a read.
I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my week as well as my foray into the kidlit world. I also hope to see you here again next Monday.
Wishes for a week full of wonder! Aileen